Get to Know Our Community Association Manager Mike

From the moment you drive though the gates at the Greeters Cottage and the entire time your are on property we want you to feel a sense of community. From landscaping, to road maintenance, and everything in-between our Community Association Manager Mike works hard in order to create that community energy we all love so much at BLR. This April was Mike’s 5 year anniversary with Bear Lake and he is excited to see many of the larger projects the team has been working on the past few years come to fruition! You can read more about Mike in his interview below. 

Please explain your manager role for 2018  

I am responsible for everything from collections for the community, to landscaping and security, to maintenance of the roads, water system, and other critical infrastructure for the community, with a lot in between. In 2018 I will also be more involved in training and directing the operation of the greeter’s cottage as that is where my primary office is this year.

What are you most excited about for BLR 2018 season? 

Seeing all of the groundwork that we have laid over the past several years for many of the large projects we have tackled or are tackling finally come to fruition, from the major road repairs to improvements in the amenities and everything in between. Also, generally speaking, looking forward to furthering our commitment to taking the community from “good to great” in 2018 and beyond in regards to the overall quality of service we provide our members.

Anything else you would like to let the owners know?  

One of our major goals for the community in 2018 is greatly improving our Communications with the owners. In service of this, we have recently began a push to collect more updated contact information for the owners, and also improve the functionality of the services we provide, particularly as a relates to our online services for the association. A large part of this is the updated HOA website that we are working on.